‘Sport in Conquest’
A Symposium at the University of Leeds in collaboration with the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris 4) (EA VALE)
with the generous support of the Cultural Service of the French Embassy
in the United Kingdom
Friday 1 October 2010 [Leeds Humanities Research Institute]
1400: Welcome
Frank Finlay (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Leeds)
1410: Introduction and Network Launch
John McLeod (Leeds) and Alexis Tadié (Paris-Sorbonne)
1440: Session 1
Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadhavpur), ‘Subaltern Narratives: Football in Indian Modernity’
Claire Gallien (Paris), ‘Cockfighting in Eighteenth-Century colonial India’
1600: Coffee
1615: Session 2:
John Whale (Leeds), ‘Imperfect Sympathies: Regency and Contemporary Responses to Black Fighters in Britain’
Dave Gunning (Birmingham): ‘Representing Sporting Communities in Black British Literature and Film’
1735: Drinks and Symposium Dinner (Thai Edge, Leeds City Centre)
Saturday 2 October 2010 [School of English]
1000: Session 3
Philip Dine (Galway), ‘Big-game hunting in Algeria from Jules Gérard to Tartarin de Tarascon’
David Murphy (Stirling), ‘When Symbols Start to Speak: Lilian Thuram and the French Identity Debates’
Edward Nye (Oxford), ‘Anthologising A bicyclette’
1200: Lunch
1300: Film screening
Zidane: A twenty-first century portrait (2006) [90 mins]; followed by panel discussion [25 mins]
1500: Coffee
1515: Session 4
John Bale (Keele): ‘Travel Writing : Representing an African Body-Culture’
Graham Huggan (Leeds), ‘Not Just Cricket: Lagaan and the Anti-Conquest’
Clem Seecharan (London Metropolitan), ‘“The Proof of the Pudding”: C.L.R. James, Frank Worrell’s Captaincy and West Indian Nationalism at the End of Empire, 1960-3
1715: Plenary
Conclusions and Network plans (including discussion re: Paris-Sorbonne Conference in 2011, etc.)
1800: Close